Miguel Claro lives in Lisbon,
Portugal. He began to demonstrate his passion for
astronomy in early age, when he just had 12 years old.
Since then, he became an amateur astronomer, but only in
1998 he started your
work. Presently, he has a long photo work in Astronomy,
with a several
published images in many reference
internacional magazines, as well at the NASA´s website.
Miguel Claro, collaborates monthly in the
portuguese "Flight
Magazine" with a full
page in the section "The sky seen from Earth".
The Magazine is
available for sale in the portugueses airport
cities, as well as in Africa and Brazil.
The author, also like to shooting many other things that we
can find in our Nature, and that he has the pleasure to
share with you, in this Photography website.
Here you
can find several images from Landscapes, Astronomical
objects, Macro, and general Photography. If you would like to
buy them, please
Click Here
Thanks for your
visit, enjoy it.
Equipment used by the author:
Canon 50D and
Canon 400D;
Lens: Sigma EX-Series 10-20mm; Sigma 70-300mm APO; Canon EF 50mm
F/1.8 II, Canon 18-55mm; Angle "C" Viewfinder 1.25x-2.5x,
Grip-BG-E2; Circular polarized filter; Cokin 830P Filter; Cullman
tripod "high"; Sony R100 tripod "short"; Remote Switch.
For Astronomy pictures, he also use a Meade ETX 90ec
Maksutov telescope. To see images of the Equipment
click here.